Nursery - Resourced Provision

What is the Resourced Provision?

We are a specialist unit within our large nursery for children with suspected or diagnosed medical and/or moderate  learning difficulties who require smaller ratios of staff to children.

Please note we are unable to provide 1:1 support in our setting. 

The needs of the children who attend the provision are identified by a variety of agencies including other pre-schools and nurseries, Portage, Health Visitors, GPs, Speech and Language Therapists, Physio and Occupational Therapists, Educational Psychologists and the Developmental Paediatricians.  

In partnership with Hampshire Local Authority Special Educational Needs Department, 

Resourced Provision places can be offered to children with the following:

  • Suspected or diagnosed mild to moderate ASD or ADHD

  • Speech and Language delays or disorders

  • Some chromosome disorders 

  • Mild to moderate Global Delay 

This is by no means an exhaustive list and applications are considered on an individual basis and based upon the individual needs of the child and whether this is the best setting for them. 

Referrals need to be made via the Pre-School Advisory Board and will then be allocated by the Hampshire Local Authority Special Educational Needs Department.  

In most cases we offer 'assessment places', meaning that we review children's suitability for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). If an EHCP is required, we support parents through the process of making an application.  Where children start with an ECHP in place, this will determine the level of intervention and support that they receive.  

What age can children attend the Resourced Provision?  

Children can attend from the term after they are three-years old up to the time that they move on to Reception for 15 hours a week (either a morning session or an afternoon session each day).  

How do we balance time in the Resourced Provision with the mainstream nursery?

We have a highly-skilled and dedicated staff team who provide tailored learning interventions.  We are in the fortunate position that the provision is attached to a mainstream nursery.  This means that children have plenty of time to learn and play with their mainstream peers if appropriate.  

All inclusion is personalised and relates to the child's needs, interests and strengths.  

Inclusion is carefully planned and agreed with parents and carers (and sometimes outside agencies) to make sure that the children have the right level of support and skills necessary to achieve in the mainstream environment.  

What should we do if we are interested in a Resourced Provision place?  

Our Resourced Provision Places at nursery are allocated by the Hampshire SEN department based on need and suitability.

Below is the referral form for this which can be filled in by a professional who is aware of your child's needs, e.g. Health Visitor, and returned to the Hampshire County Council SEN Department.

Once the referral has been made the SEN Department will consult with nurseries in the area that can provide suitable provision.

You are welcome to arrange a visit to the nursery so that you can see what we offer in our provision, and so that we can meet your child to gauge whether, at the consultation stage, we can meet their needs.

Resourced Provision Referral Form

Pre-School Referral Form