Spring 1 - Terrific Tales

This half term, Year 1 will be exploring traditional tales. We will explore some popular traditional tales, as well as some that are not as well-known.

Please take a look at our parent overview below to find out what we will be learning about this half term.
Year 1 Sp1 - Curriculum Map - Parents.pdf

We love reading in Year 1! Some of our key texts for this half term are:
Theatre Workshop - 9th February
Week 1 - week beginning 01.01.24

It has been a busy first three days back in Year 1! In English, we had to work out who a mystery character was. In science, we have started to learn about different materials. 

Rabbit Class have enjoyed getting to know Miss Bubb and Miss Bubb has loved getting to know Rabbit Class. She is very impressed with how polite the children are!

Owl Class loved taking part in their first forest school session on Friday. Check out the pictures below!