
Farnborough Grange Nursery/Infant Community School is an academy in The Good Shepherd Trust, a family of church and community school academies within the Diocese of Guildford. 

The Trust has established Local Committees for each of their academies. The Trust has delegated a number of activities to local committees. Further details can be found within the Scheme of Delegation. Each local committee is responsible for:

  • Establishing the strategic direction

  • Ensuring accountability

  • Overseeing compliance

  • Ensuring risks to the organisation are managed

The categories of membership are:

  • The Head teacher, whose term of office continues whilst they are in post;

  • Parent/carer member of children on roll at the time of appointment at the school, elected by the parent body and formally appointed by the GST. Parent/carer members may be appointed by the GST if there are fewer nominations than vacancies;

  • Staff member, one member of the school staff from each school as a representative of the staff, elected by the staff body;

  • General member.

A term of office for a local committee member is four years and a local committee member may serve two terms (8 years) if eligible – parents/staff would have to be re-elected to be eligible. In exceptional circumstances, and where it is in the best interests of the trust, a local committee member may serve a further period up to four years whilst a successor is found.

I am interested in joining the LC, what should I do?

Please contact GST's Head of Governance, Felicity Mackrory

For more information about the Trust governance arrangements, please click here

The link to The Good Shepherd Trust, the academy's owner, is here.  

Information on the Trust's finances is here.

The link to the academy's governance page on Get Information About Schools (GIAS) is here.

LC Meeting Attendance

FGR LC meeting attendance 2022 2023

Farnborough Grange NICS IAB Register of Interests

Register of Interests June 2024