Summer 2020-2021

Take One Picture Week

This week was 'Take One Picture' week. All children, across the school looked at the same painting as a stimulus for their learning. The painting we chose to look at was 'The Umbrellas' and it was painted by Pierre-Auguste Renoir. 

In Nursery and Early Years the children collaged paper plates to look like umbrellas and enjoyed experimenting with different painting techniques. The bubble painting looked like a lot of fun! 

In Year 1 the children noticed that the people in the painting looked like they were from the Victorian times.  The used paint to mix different shades of blue to create raindrops and they even made their own umbrellas! 

In Year 2 the children sketched their own version of the painting and also had a go at playing with a stick and a hoola hoop, just like the children did in the past. 

Well done everyone for your fantastic effort! 

Sports day

What a great day it was! The children responded so well to competitive element- showing determination and grit to do their very best. Due to the current restrictions the children competed within their year group bubbles but this didn't take away from the event. The sporting activities tested a range of skills from speed and agility to balance and technique. Next year we hope that parents are able to join us to make the day even more special.