Personal, Social, Health Education at Farnborough Grange


The aim of our PSHE curriculum is to ensure all pupils are given the best tools possible to reach their full potential. Farnborough Grange pupils need to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships and to build their self-efficacy in order to embrace the challenges of a happy and successful adult life. We want to help children develop their own self-worth and understand how to keep themselves and others safe. Our pupils are taught how to make sound decisions when facing risks. They are taught how to build up their resilience and tackle challenges. We promote a healthy and active lifestyle through learning about healthy and unhealthy foods, healthy and unhealthy choices and taking part in regular exercise, including the golden mile! The children are taught about the importance of being mentally healthy and they participate in regular mindfulness and yoga exercises.

At Farnborough Grange, our PSHE curriculum supports the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our children, alongside our RE curriculum, and school values. We also promote Fundamental British Values.

We encourage high aspirations for our pupils and promote an equality of opportunities.


At Farnborough Grange, we teach PSHE directly (through the SCARF curriculum) and indirectly (through one-off circle time sessions or informal discussion).

CORAM Life Education’s SCARF supports our direct PSHE teaching and assessment. The SCARF scheme includes the RSE statutory guidance 2020. All children across the school focus on 6 key areas of the curriculum, with their knowledge, skills and understanding increasing each time they re-visit. The six topics that are covered in a year are:

  • Me and my relationships

  • Valuing difference

  • Keeping myself safe

  • Rights and responsibilities

  • Being my best 

  • Growing and changing

We chose these units as we feel that they will give our children the best possible chances to achieve our aspirations for them, as established in our Intent (above). SCARF is centred on a values-based and ‘Growth Mindset’ approach. The online resources support us in promoting positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement. SCARF also supports teachers in delivering key safeguarding messages as well as key messages from RSE curriculum in an age-appropriate way.

In addition to extra circle sessions, we embed PSHE throughout school life through 'Good Citizen' awards being presented in our weekly celebration assemblies; our active School Council who discuss key school events and issues; our 'Big Questions' where children are encouraged to discuss their thoughts and opinions on a variety of school-related and bigger 'life' questions and our 'Theme of the week' which encourages children to focus on a specific theme such as confidence, thinking of others, going for goals and team work.

What do our children learn in PSHE?

PSHE Progressions of Skills

SMSC statement