

Our Music provision at Farnborough Grange Nursery & Infant School is designed to nurture pupils' musical talents, develop their skills and knowledge, and enrich their educational journey. Through high-quality teaching, cross-curricular links, and a focus on inclusion, we aim to inspire a lifelong passion for Music, enhance pupils' personal and social development, and contribute to their overall sense of cultural and artistic appreciation.

As they progress through their learning journey, guided by the age-related expectations explicit in Hampshire Music Service's Pathways to Musical Independence, children learn and practise the dimensions of music. Music here allows children to build on their musicianship so they can start small and dream big.

We have ensured the curriculum for Music contains the right content and progression through each Key Stage because curriculum overviews were created in reference to the National Curriculum 2014 and expected outcomes are in line with End of Year Expectations.

We aim to encourage development of musical exploration across a variety of elements of music, allowing children to build their knowledge, skills and musicianship over time. This includes children’s experiences of live music performance which we endeavour to provide as a vitally enriching part of their music experience and to build on their listening and respect skills. Through this, we encourage appreciation and enjoyment of different styles of music so that they can appraise performances.

We recognise the importance of performance as a way to build children’s aspirations, develop confidence and self-esteem and aim to provide as many opportunities for performance with live audiences as we can to give the children a sense of belonging in their performance groups.

We encourage children to express themselves through playing instruments, composition, improvisation and performance.


The Music curriculum is therefore implemented at each stage in the following ways:

  • In Nursery, children are taught simple nursery rhymes and explore making sounds with their voices and instruments. They have opportunities to explore different musical sound makers and instruments in their provision to make rhythmic and repetitive sounds. The children show attention to sound and music and respond emotionally or physically when music changes.

  • In Reception, children are taught following the Hampshire Music Service Pathways to Musical Independence. This gives our children a focus on different dimensions of music in each half term. Children are taught key vocabulary such as pitch, high, low, dynamics, loud quiet, that match the musical dimension from that unit.

  • Children have the opportunity to apply their learning by practising songs, using instruments and their voices to compose their songs.

Year 1
  • In Year 1, children are taught following the Hampshire Music Service Pathways to Musical Independence. This gives our children a focus on different dimensions of Music in each half term. Children are taught key vocabulary such as pattern, silence, moderate, that match the musical dimension from that unit. This vocabulary is built upon from Reception.

  • The skills they are taught include exploring and creating different tempi with instruments and their voice, creating contrasting dynamics and investigate patterns of long and short sounds and steady beats through singing, playing, listening and responding activities.  

  • Children have the opportunity to apply their learning by practising songs, using instruments and their voices to compose their songs.

Year 2
  • In Year 2 children are taught following the Hampshire Music Service Pathways to Musical Independence. This gives our children a focus on different dimensions of Music in each half term. Children are taught key vocabulary such as rhythm, melodies, higher, lower that match the musical dimension from that unit. This vocabulary is built upon from Year 1.

  • The skills they are taught include distinguishing between steady beats in counts of 2s, 3s and 4s, investigating sounds that get higher or lower through melodic shape and creating sounds that get louder or quieter to convey meaning.   

  • Children have the opportunity to apply their learning by practising songs, using instruments and their voices to compose their songs.

Provision for key groups at our school
  • We strive to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their background, ability, or additional needs, have equal access to high-quality Music education.

  • Differentiation strategies are employed to support learners who require additional help, and gifted and talented pupils are appropriately challenged.

  • Provision is made for pupils with physical disabilities or sensory impairments to participate fully in musical activities.

  • We promote a respectful and supportive learning environment, where pupils value and celebrate each other's musical contributions.

Wider opportunities
  • Children have the opportunity to join our school choir where they perform in local concerts at the Church of the Good Shepherd and in our community.

  • Every week there is a new piece of music for children to listen to in class and in assemblies to widen the children’s repertoire of music and different genres of music.

  • In the summer we run a MADD (Music, Arts, Drama and Dance) week to give children the opportunity to create performances, explore different music and instruments, feel part of a community and a group and to express themselves.

  • Children are given the opportunity to sing and perform in front of an audience at varying points throughout each school year, including Harvest and Christmas.


Pupils will demonstrate good progress in their musical skills and knowledge, as evidenced by formative assessments and performances. The impact of our Music curriculum will facilitate pupils in making good progress over their time at Farnborough Grange, and relative to a child’s individual starting point. They will become confident performers, composers, and listeners, capable of expressing themselves musically and appreciating a variety of musical genres. Pupils will develop confidence, resilience, and perseverance through their musical journey, enabling them to tackle challenges with determination to aspire to their learning goal.

Music provides a platform for pupils to express themselves creatively, fostering their emotional and cultural awareness. Pupils will develop collaborative skills and learn to respect and support their peers, enhancing their social skills and sense of belonging. They will have a broad understanding and appreciation of music from different cultures and historical periods. Pupils will develop a love for various forms of music and become active consumers of music beyond the school setting. Music education will contribute to pupils' cultural capital, enriching their experiences and broadening their horizons to dream big. They will thoroughly enjoy their music lessons, actively participating and eagerly sharing their musical ideas. Music lessons and extracurricular activities will spark curiosity enabling our children to start small and dream big. Pupils, staff, and parents will speak highly of the Music provision, recognising its impact on pupils' holistic development.

What do our children learn in Music?

Music Curriculum Overview

Music Progression of Skills