

At Farnborough Grange Nursery and Infant School, the curriculum is designed to foster a strong foundation in Maths for our primary school pupils. It is our goal to provide them with a comprehensive and engaging learning experience that equips them with essential mathematical skills and promotes Maths mastery.

Maths is taught through a carefully crafted curriculum that emphasises interactive and practical learning methods. We believe that active participation and hands-on exploration are key to developing a deep understanding of Maths concepts. Our approach incorporates real-life applications, problem-solving activities, and collaborative learning opportunities, enabling our pupils to connect theoretical knowledge with practical situations.

We have ensured that the curriculum for Maths at Farnborough Grange contains the right content and progression through each Key Stage by adopting and following the White Rose Scheme of Learning. Our curriculum overviews have been created in reference to the National Curriculum 2014 and White Rose, ensuring alignment with the established standards and learning objectives. The expected outcomes are in line with End of Year Expectations, providing clear benchmarks for assessing our pupils' progress and achievement.

Relating directly to our vision and aims, we aspire for our children to reach their full potential and nurture a sense of ambition within them. We want to instil in them a strong work ethic, empowering them to embrace challenges and explore new possibilities. Building positive relationships between our staff and pupils is paramount in breaking down barriers to learning. We take pride in being an inclusive school, catering to the diverse needs of our students, including those with SEND, EAL learners, and those working at Greater Depth.

As part of our role in developing children's thirst for learning and knowledge, we believe in providing enriching experiences that go beyond the classroom. Our Maths curriculum embraces the principles of mastery, focusing on deep understanding and fluency. Through a combination of conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and problem-solving skills, we aim to equip our pupils with the tools necessary to become confident and proficient mathematicians. By nurturing their mathematical abilities and fostering a love for Maths, we strive to broaden their horizons and open doors to a world of opportunities.


The Maths curriculum is therefore implemented at each stage in the following ways:

  • In Nursery, children are taught fundamental mathematical concepts through hands-on activities and play-based learning. They explore numbers, shapes, and patterns, developing an understanding of counting, sorting, and matching.

  • In Reception, children build upon their foundational knowledge and begin to explore more complex mathematical ideas. They learn to recognise and write numbers, understand basic addition and subtraction, and explore measurement and spatial awareness.

  • Skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and reasoning are nurtured through open-ended tasks and exploratory play, encouraging children to apply their mathematical understanding in real-life contexts.

  • Children develop their mathematical vocabulary by engaging in discussions, describing their thinking, and using appropriate mathematical language to express ideas and solutions.

  • Children have the opportunity to apply their learning by engaging in practical activities, such as measuring ingredients during cooking, building structures with blocks, and exploring patterns in nature. This hands-on approach allows them to see the relevance and application of Maths in their everyday lives.

Year 1
  • In Year 1, children continue to build upon their mathematical foundations, focusing on number sense, place value, and basic operations (addition and subtraction).

  • They develop their understanding of numbers up to 100, including counting, comparing, and ordering.

  • Children explore various strategies for addition and subtraction, such as using concrete objects, number lines, and mental calculation methods.

  • They also begin to explore simple fractions, time, and money, gaining a basic understanding of these concepts.

  • Problem-solving skills are developed through engaging activities that encourage children to apply their mathematical knowledge in different contexts.

Year 2
  • In Year 2, children further deepen their understanding of number sense, place value, and basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).

  • They develop fluency in using number bonds, mental calculation strategies, and written methods for addition and subtraction.

  • Children explore multiplication and division through practical activities, arrays, and repeated addition/subtraction.

  • They continue to develop their understanding of fractions, time, money, and measurement, building upon the knowledge gained in Year 1.

  • Problem-solving becomes more complex, with a focus on multi-step problems and the application of mathematical strategies to real-life situations.

  • Reasoning skills are nurtured through discussions, explanations, and the exploration of patterns and relationships within numbers.

Provision for key groups at our school


  • Tailored language support and resources for EAL learners in Maths.

  • Promoting a language-rich environment and collaborative learning opportunities.


  • Individualised support, personalised learning plans, and differentiated instruction for students with SEND.

  • Use of multisensory approaches and assistive technology to facilitate learning.


  • Additional resources and targeted interventions to support the Maths progress of Pupil Premium students.

  • Monitoring progress and adapting strategies to address barriers to learning.

Greater Depth:

  • Opportunities for deeper exploration, problem-solving, and critical thinking in Maths for high-achieving students.

  • Enrichment activities, extension tasks, and differentiated resources to challenge and extend their skills.

Wider opportunities

At Farnborough Grange, we believe in providing our students with a wide range of opportunities to enrich their mathematical learning beyond the classroom. These wider opportunities aim to broaden their understanding, foster their curiosity, and inspire a lifelong love for Maths. Here are some ways we offer wider opportunities in Maths:

  • STEM Activities: We integrate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths (STEM) activities into our curriculum. Students engage in hands-on projects, such as building structures, conducting experiments, and solving mathematical pussles, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and interdisciplinary learning.

  • Cross-Curricular Integration: We promote cross-curricular connections by incorporating Maths into other subjects, such as PE and Science. This approach allows students to see the relevance and interconnectedness of Maths with different areas of their learning.


The use of different assessment methods and differentiated teaching approaches in Maths at Farnborough Grange has a significant impact on children's learning and progress. Here are some key impacts of these strategies:

Personalised Learning

By scaffolding lesson activities to suit different abilities and learning styles using the ‘cut and peel’ approach, we ensure that each child is appropriately challenged and supported. This personalised approach enables children to engage with Maths at their own level and pace, leading to improved understanding and confidence.

Collaborative Learning

Maths lessons that encourage collaborative learning provide opportunities for children to engage in discussions, share ideas, and learn from one another. This fosters a supportive learning environment where children can articulate their thinking, develop reasoning skills, and deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts.

Challenge and Consolidation

Children who grasp concepts rapidly are provided with challenging problem-solving activities that extend their thinking and promote critical reasoning skills. Children who require additional support are given opportunities for consolidation through targeted practice and intervention. This differentiated approach ensures that all children can progress and succeed.

Assessment for Learning

Regular end-of-block assessment tasks and the use of self-assessment enables teachers to assess children's understanding and track their progress effectively. This assessment data provides valuable insights into children's learning journeys, informs teaching, and facilitates targeted interventions where necessary.

Continuous Improvement

Maths monitoring, including moderation across key stages, learning walks, lesson observations, and pupil voice interviews/questionnaires, allows us to evaluate curriculum coverage, teaching quality, and children's attitudes towards Maths. This information guides ongoing curriculum development, ensures high-quality provision, and helps tailor teaching approaches to address specific areas of improvement.

What do our children learn in Maths?

Whole School Curriculum for Maths

Maths Skills Progression 2022-2023