Poles Apart

This half term, we will be finding out all about the North and South Poles and where they are in our world. We will be using our skills as geographers to look at atlases and maps to locate these places and identify hot and cold areas of our planet in relation to the equator. 

We will also be global citizens by looking at how climate change is affecting the North and South Poles and learning about what we can do to help. In English we will be learning how to write winter poetry using simile and metaphor to describe winter as well as writing our own fact files about our own dragons. In Art we will be exploring how to use cross-hatching and slip to attach pieces of clay to make our own polar animal sculptures. 

Please take a look at our half termly overview below to find out more about what we will be learning.
Autumn 2 Poles Apart - Curriculum map

Week 6 - 08/12/2023

This week in maths we have been learning about length and height. We used rulers to measure different objects in our classroom and put them in height order. We have also started to feel very Christmassy with our nativity performances and starting our Christmas cards. 

Week 5 - 01/12/2023

In science this week we have been learning about microhabitats. We went on a minibeast hunt in our playground to find different minibeasts in their microhabitats. 

Week 4 - 24/11/2023: 

This week we went to the Church of the Good Shepherd to learn all about the Christmas story and the symbols of Christmas. We learnt how these symbols represent Christmas and why they are important to Christians. 

Week 3 - 17.11.2023

In science this week, we have been exploring different biomes and habitats. We discussed the different types of animals that live there and why they are best suited for that habitat. 

Week 2 - 10.11.2023

In art we have learnt how to use cross hatching and slip to attach pieces of clay. We learnt how to make the slip and that if we use it, the clay parts will stick together more securely. Squirrel class enjoyed their last forest school session and Hedgehogs had lots of fun playing in the mud and the trees! 

Week 1 - 3.11.2023

Both classes enjoyed a forest school session this week. We really enjoyed playing in the mud, climbing trees, swinging in the hammock, creating crafts and whittling! In maths we have started learning about 2D shapes and we investigated the sides and vertices.