Autumn 1 - Marvellous Me. What makes me special?

This topic will teach us about how we are all different. We will learn about the features of our face and learn how we use our five senses to explore the world.
Autumn 1

Our core texts this half term are:
Highlight of the Week
Week beginning 16.10.23

This week we explored our school. We explained that although we are in the nursery, we are part of Farnborough Grange School and took the children to different parts of the school such as the hall where some children have lunch and the office where we met our lovely Home School Link Worker Mrs O'Regan and Mrs Ford who is in charge of the office! The children were very polite and greeted everyone we met. We have also been working on counting using 1:1 correspondence and the children have been great at then applying their counting skills in their play. 

Week beginning 9.10.23

This week we have started our  next core book- It's Ok to be Different. The children have enjoyed learning about their friend's families and how we are similar and different to each other. We have also been able to use our Phase 1 of our new outside areas and the children have been excited to explore the new resources too!

Week beginning 2.10.23

This week we have been continuing our learning linked  to the book Owl Babies. The children have been creating their own self portraits and collaging a special picture frame to place around it. We discussed the textures of the collaging materials and used vocabulary such as 'hard, soft, bumpy, smooth'.

Week beginning 25.9.23

This week we had our fabulous Messy Play workshop liked to out topic ‘Marvellous Me!’

The children really enjoyed learning about their five senses: sight, taste, touch, hearing and smell.

These are the different activities:

Touch- lots of different textures that were rough, spiky, soft and prickly.
Smell- scented playdoh that was lavender, peppermint, cocoa, basil and cinnamon.
Hearing- lots of musical instruments with crunchy cereals. The children used the potato mashers to hear the crunch of the cereals.
Taste- lots of fruit and vegetables such as strawberries, celery and lemons to explore their taste buds!
Sight- coloured rice and gloop colours were linked to our Colour Monster emotions and the children used mirrors to try practice emotions and see how their faces changed.

Week beginning 18.9.23

This week we took our first visit to the Library! The children enjoyed exploring all of our books and sharing a story together. 

Week beginning 11.9.23

This week we welcomed our new friends to Nursery and enjoyed showing them around. The children were very excited to show them all our toys and how to follow our routines. 

Week beginning 4.9.23

This week the nursery has welcomed back our returning children and exploring our nursery. Mrs Ross and our Keyworkers have been out to visit all of our new children that are starting and are looking forward to welcoming them next week.