Physical Education at Farnborough Grange


At Farnborough Grange Nursery and Infant School, our curriculum is designed to promote the holistic development of our pupils to enable them to lead active, healthy lifestyles and to foster a lifelong love for physical activity. We believe that through PE, our children develop fundamental movement skills, enhance physical fitness, build resilience and develop important teamwork and communication skills.  We strive to support all children to develop a sense of belonging in PE through respecting both adults and peers and working as a team.

We want to instil confidence and self-esteem in all our children and encourage them to embrace new challenges when they arise. We aim for our children to develop a positive attitude towards physical activity and support them to aspire to be the best they can be when taking part in PE both inside and outside of school. We promote inclusivity, ensuring that every child has equal access to high-quality PE provision.


Our PE curriculum incorporates a progressive sequence of activities that are relevant, engaging, and developmentally appropriate for our pupils. We carefully plan and map our lessons to ensure they align with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework and National Curriculum 2014 expected outcomes to meet the needs of our learners. We include activities that enhance children's fundamental movement skills, coordination, balance, and spatial awareness.

We have specialist PE teachers, as well as class teachers delivering 2 hours a week of PE to all classes. We embrace an inclusive approach to PE, ensuring that all children, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds, are fully included in lessons. We make necessary adaptations and provide additional support to enable all pupils to participate and experience success. We celebrate and value diversity, ensuring that our activities and equipment cater to the diverse needs and interests of our pupils.

We have appropriate facilities, equipment, and resources that support a wide range of physical activities. These include sports equipment, mats, balls, hoops, climbing frames, and a designated outdoor area for physical play.

Our teachers use objective specific assessment sheets to track pupils progress of skills taught and identifies areas for improvement. Assessment in PE involves observing and evaluating children's skills, techniques, and attitudes towards physical activity. We provide regular feedback to pupils, acknowledging their achievements and providing guidance on how they can further develop their skills.

The PE curriculum is therefore implemented at each stage in the following ways:

  • In Nursery, children are taught to move in different ways, moving freely in their surroundings. They are taught to walk, run, jump and climb independently. They explore movement on wheeled toys and begin to develop throwing and catching skills.

  • In Reception, children are taught to revise and refine key fundamental skills and to understand the importance of such movements for their health and development. To know that all movements help them to complete different tasks and activities.

  • They are taught to run, jump, hop, skip, roll and climb, as well as use a range of apparatus both indoors and outside. They continue to develop a range of ball skills such as throwing, catching, kicking and passing and begin to use this in planned activities/games. They are taught to move in time to music and explore different ways of moving.

  • Children develop their vocabulary using subject specific vocabulary such as: healthy,  apparatus, throwing, catching, running, jumping, hopping, movement and balance

  • Children have the opportunity to apply their learning by taking part in weekly planned activities, as well as daily physical development targeted learning in their classroom and outdoor environment.

Year 1
  • In Year 1, children are taught to continue to develop their fundamental skills and apply them in range of different sports and activities. They are taught how to work together in small and large teams and begin to understand basic rules for different sports and activities. They are taught to understand the importance of warming up or bodies and how exercise can help to keep them healthy.

  • Key skills include: running at different speeds, jumping over low barriers and performing a variety of throws with basic control. They develop their understanding of team games and participate in running and avoiding games. They are taught to pass and receive a ball in different ways and begin to aim balls at targets with increasing accuracy. Children are taught basic gymnastic movement skills and apply them with control using a range of apparatus.

  • Children develop their vocabulary using subject specific vocabulary such as precision, aim, agility, balance, co-ordination, speed, control, direction and linking movements.

  • Children have the opportunity to apply their learning by participating in various lunchtime zoned activities, using sports equipment on offer, as well as outdoor climbing frames. They are also able to take part in lunchtime and after school clubs on offer.

Year 2
  • In Year 2, children are taught to apply their fundamental skills with increased precision and control in a range of invasion and net and wall games. They are taught to use attacking and defending techniques in competitive games. They are taught to explore how their bodies feel during and after exercise and discuss what is happening and why.

  • Key skills taught include: performing a variety of throws with control and co-ordination. They are taught to change speed and direction whilst running and to control take-off and landing when jumping. They explore the use of attacking and defending in invasion games and develop their understanding of this. They are taught to link movements in gymnastics and dance, as well as observe and discuss performances with their peers.

  • Children develop their vocabulary using subject and learning specific vocabulary such as: speed, muscle, stretch, relax, precision, attack, defend, invade, intercept, warm up, target and aim.

  • Children have the opportunity to apply their learning by participating in various lunchtime zoned activities, using sports equipment on offer, as well as outdoor climbing frames. They are also able to take part in lunchtime and after school clubs on offer.

Wider opportunities
  • Attending inter school competitions.

  • Year 2 swimming

  • Bikeability for Reception and Year 1

  • Lunchtime and after school clubs funded using sports premium.

  • Forest School

  • Sports Day


Our PE provision has the following impact on our pupils:

Physical Development:

  • Children develop coordination, balance, strength, and agility through a range of physical activities.

  • Pupils enhance their fundamental movement skills, laying the foundation for a lifelong engagement in physical activity.

  • Children develop improved fitness levels and learn about the benefits of leading an active lifestyle.

Personal Development:

  • Pupils develop confidence and self esteem when carrying out new activities and challenges.

  • Children aspire to be the best they can be showing resilience and perseverance through challenges and successes in PE.

  • Children learn to set personal goals, manage their time, and independently overcome physical obstacles.

  • Pupils have a sense of belonging; develop positive attitudes towards competition, fair play, and demonstrate good sportsmanship.

Social Development:

  • Children learn the importance of teamwork, cooperation, respect and effective communication through collaborative physical activities.

  • Pupils develop social skills such as sharing, empathy, and respect for others' abilities in a physical context.

  • Children learn to resolve conflicts and problem-solve through group-based physical challenges.

Inclusivity and Wellbeing:

  • Our PE provision promotes inclusivity, ensuring that all pupils can actively participate and experience success.

  • Pupils with additional needs or disabilities are provided with appropriate adaptations and resources to fully engage in physical activities.

  • Children develop positive attitudes towards physical differences, promoting empathy, and valuing diversity.

In conclusion, our PE curriculum, implemented with thoughtful planning, motivated staff, resources, inclusivity, and assessment tracking, has a significant positive impact on the physical, personal, social, and emotional development of our infant school pupils.

What do our children learn in PE?

PE Curriculum Overview

PE Curriculum overview (Premier Sports)

PE Progression of Skills

Sports Day 2022!

Wow! What a day we had watching all of our talented children taking part in Sports Day. Despite the heat, the children absolutely out did themselves and really showed the Farnborough Grange Way, by getting stuck in and cheering on all of their friends. To show off all of their varying skills and talents, they took part in a range of different competitive team games and individual races. It was a pleasure to watch all of the children trying their best and getting involved. We were lucky enough to have the help of some students from Kings International College who were brilliant setting up the stations, keeping scores and motivating our children to do their best. 

A big Thank you to all of the parents/ carers who came along to cheer on the children. They loved having you here to watch them shine and it was so lovely for them to be able to share the day with you all. 

Throughout the day, the children were in coloured teams and scores were kept from each race. I am very excited to tell you that the scores were added up from all of the year groups  and the winning team for 2022 were the RED TEAM! The scores were very close and all teams did brilliantly!  

Inter-School Sports Event

This term, some of our year 2 children had the opportunity to take part in a Christmas inter-school sports event held at the Aldershot Tennis Centre. The children were amazing and got stuck into every activity on offer. They showed great skill when dribbling the ball with a racket and could throw a ball with accuracy by knocking over Santa several times. 

I am very  pleased to announce that in the team target throw challenge , scores were added up across the attending schools and Farnborough Grange Infants were the winners! They worked so well as a team. 

Sports for Schools Fundraising Event (May 2023)

Wow! What an amazing afternoon the children had meeting Olympic Wheelchair rugby gold medalist Kylie Grimes and taking part in their sponsored circuit. All of the children were brilliant at joining in the different circuit activities which included doing 1 minute of:

  • Jumping jacks

  • Mountain climbers 

  • Step ups 

  • Running on the spot

  • Press ups

We could not believe the outstanding efforts from the children in getting their sponsorships. We raised an amazing £2500 which is absolutely incredible! I am pleased to say that some of this money will be going towards lots of physical development equipment across the school for learning time, as well playtimes. Thank you all for making such an effort and for collectively raising so much money for a brilliant cause.

Following their sponsored circuit, the children had the chance to listen to Kylie's story about always trying your best and never giving up to achieve your goals. The children listened brilliantly and even had a chance to ask Kylie some questions about how she managed to win Gold.

Sports Day 2023!

What a day we had showcasing all of the sporting talents of our Farnborough Grange children to their families. It was so lovely to see such a good turn out and huge amount of support/ cheering on, during all of the fun activities and races.

The children all did such an amazing job trying their best both taking part in individual races and working as a team, which is exactly what we want to see! We were very lucky to have the help of students from Kings International College who all helped make each activity run as smoothly as possible, so  a huge thank you to them!

All four teams tried so hard and the scores at the end were so close! It was very exciting to announce this years Sports Day winning team- THE YELLOW TEAM! 

It was also lovely to see so many parents willing to take part in some parents races. The children thoroughly enjoyed watching you all and the teachers enjoyed seeing how competitive it became!

A huge well done to all children and we are already looking forward to next years Sports Day!

After School Sports Clubs

Some children from year 1 and 2 have had a great start to the first half term enjoying after school clubs that have been on offer. We have had great uptake and they have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in either : 

  • Gymnastics 

  • Dodgeball

  • Basketball

They have been developing their ability to move in different ways using a range of apparatus in Gymnastics, as well as developing their balancing and movement skills. 

In Dodgeball they have been working on their spatial awareness and working as a team to get opposing players out. They have also developed their throwing and catching skills. 

In Basketball the children have been working on their passing, dribbling and shooting skills. They have had great fun working in pairs and in teams to complete different challenges. 

Next half term the children will have the opportunity to take part in: 

  • Gymnastics 

  • Archery 

  • Tag Rugby

Please keep an eye out for emails with details of signing up to these clubs to ensure your child is able to get a space.