Brilliant Brazil

How is Brazil different to where we live? 

This half term, we will be finding out all about Brazil. We will be using our skills as geographers to look at atlases and maps to locate Brazil. We will be comparing the human and physical geographical features between Farnborough and Campos Do Jordao to find out how Brazil is different to where we live. As designers we will be creating jungle buggies to go through the Amazon rainforest. 

In English we will be reading different stories including Meerkat Mail and The Great Kapok tree to write our own stories and letters of persuasion. 

Please take a look at our half termly overview below to find out more about what we will be learning.
Autumn 1 Brilliant Brazil - Curriculum

Week 6 - 13/10/2023

We really enjoyed wearing yellow for World Mental Health day on Tuesday and wrote kind messages to make someone in our class smile. In science we conducted an experiment to see how germs spread and what we can do to stop germs spreading. We also tested our jungle buggies this week and filled in our evaluations to explain what went well and what we needed to improve for next time. 

Squirrels really enjoyed creating their leaf prints in art which Hedgehogs are super excited to create next week! 

Week 5 - 06/10/2023

Our highlight of the week this week was our Carnival Dance Workshop. We learnt about what carnival dance is and why they do it in Brazil and then had a go ourselves. We had to make sure we were wiggling and shaking to the beat and even got to wear flower leis like they do in the carnival!

In art we have started using the lino tools to cut our our leaf designs ready for printing and Squirrels really enjoyed Forest School this week! We tried drilling with the palm drills, playing with sticks and some of us had a go at whittling! 

Week 4 - 29/09/2023

We really enjoyed our DT learning this week as we made our jungle buggies. We had to make sure we created the holes for the axels to attach the wheels so that our buggy could move. In maths we have started our addition and subtraction unit and looked at number bonds to 10 and their fact families. 

Squirrel class really enjoyed using the palm drills in forest school to create people and horses out of conkers. We also used the paint pens to turn sticks into magic wands, fishing rods and much more! 

Week 3 - 22/09/2023

In DT this week we have been exploring how wheels and axels work ready to make our jungle buggies. We also looked at different animals in our science lessons to see what they need to survive and match up the different food that they eat. In music we have been composing our own dragon songs using loud and quiet sounds. 

Week 1 - 08/09/2023

What a fantastic start to Year 2 we have had. We started our new story in English 'Meerkat Mail' and learnt lots of new vocabulary that we will use in our English lessons. In maths, we have started our place value unit and exploring different ways to represent numbers.