
Triumph or Tragedy?

This half term Year 2 will be exploring the Titanic. As historians, we will be asking and answering questions about what happened and will be using different sources to help us to do this. In English, we will be writing our own Defeat the Baddie story with our model text Supertato and the Evil Pea. Our science learning will be based on comparing materials and exploring the different properties of materials and in DT we will be making bread. 

This is just a taste of what we will be getting up to! Please take a look at our curriculum overview below for more information.
Spring 2 - Titanic - Curriculum Map

Week 5 - 22/03/2024: 

In computing this week we collected our own data using tally charts about our class and then represented the data as a pictogram on the iPads. We really enjoyed our music lesson this week using the instruments to create sounds for wind, rain and storms. 

Week 4 - 15/03/2024: 

We really enjoyed our DT day this week as we got to design, make and evluate our bread rolls for first class passengers on the Titanic. We had to knead the dough to make sure it was ready and create a shape we thought would be luxurious for the passengers. We then added our toppings and some of us even created a pattern with our toppings. In the afternoon we got to eat them and they were delicious! 

Week 3 - 08/03/2024

What a busy week it has been this week! We really enjoyed our Scarf workshops at the start of the week learning all about feelings and friendship. It was great to see Harold again too! In DT we tasted different toppings and fillings for our bread rolls and decided what we will choose when we make them next week. For World Book Day our chairs got the same idea as the crayons and quit! We had to write letters to persuade them to come back. 

Week 2 - 01/03/2024

Our highlight of this week was going on our school trip to Winchester Science Centre. We had so much fun taking part in all the different activities. In our workshop we made slime and investigated if it could bounce, stretch or twist. We really enjoyed exploring the different exhibitions including playing the giant guitar and the space exhibition too! 

Week 1 - 23/02/2024: 

We've had a fantastic start to our term and in history we started learning about the Titanic and compared what life was like on board for passengers. In science we looked at different materials and identified their properties and purpose.