Autumn 2 - The Great Outdoors

Year 1's topic this half term is 'The Great Outdoors'. 

Please see the 'Parent Overview' below to find out what we will be learning this half term.

What are we reading?
Week 4 - week beginning 20.11.23

This week we have been learning the story 'The Enormous Turnip'. 

We have also been learning about number bonds to 10 and addition number sentences. We became weather presenters in geography, applying our understanding of the countries of the UK and types of weather to create our own weather forecasts which we performed to our friends.

Week 2 - week beginning 06.11.23

It has been another busy week in Year 1. The children have been writing some wonderful bonfire night poetry using some exciting adjectives. Miss Barber is a very proud teacher! 

In geography this week we learnt about the capital cities of the countries of the UK and in science we identified different parts of our bodies. We really enjoyed drawing around our friends on giant paper!

Week 1 - week beginning 30.10.23

Welcome back to Autumn 2! It is lovely to see the children back at school and ready to learn! This week we have explored bonfire night and have thought about adjectives to describe fireworks. We have also been learning the four countries of the UK... ask us to remind you of them at home!

In other news, we have started learning some songs for our Christmas play. Watch this space for more information!