

At Farnborough Grange Infant and Nursery school, we want Art to be loved and enjoyed by all children, irrespective of background or ability. We want to instil a love of learning, and teach all children to develop a true understanding and appreciation of visual arts. We will teach our children a broad range of skills and techniques that they will then be able to use independently, allowing them to confidently explore and experiment with new ideas producing final pieces of work that showcase their ability. They will use colour, texture, pattern, different materials and processes to communicate what they see, feel and think. Our children will learn about artists from a variety of backgrounds, helping to develop their cultural knowledge and their descriptive and emotive language. We intend for all children to leave our school with a secure set of skills, having had good quality experiences in all areas of Art and Design. We hope they feel confident in their ability and equal to those of others. 

We have ensured the curriculum for Art contains the right content and progression through each Key Stage because curriculum overviews were created in reference to the National Curriculum 2014 and expected outcomes are in line with end of year expectations.


The Art curriculum is therefore implemented at each stage in the following ways:  

  • In Nursery, children are taught to independently and safely choose and manipulate materials, and use their knowledge to create their own designs. 

  • In Reception, children are taught to explore, and use and refine a variety of artistic effects to express their ideas and feelings. They are encouraged to return to and build on their previous learning, refining ideas and developing their ability to represent them. 

The skills children learn are: 

  • Drawing: Create closed shapes with continuous lines and begin to use these shapes to represent objects. Investigate different lines thick/thin/wavy/straight and textures.  

  • Painting: To understand what colours are primary colours. Explore mixing colours to create new ones. To understand how to create different textures using a paint brush 

  • Sculpture: Mould and create simple shapes with malleable material. To change the surface e.g. impress and apply simple decoration. Combine found materials to create a model/sculpture. Know how to join using hinge joints, glue, and tape. 

  • Collage: Understand how to layer materials to create a collage. Understand how to use different textured materials. 

  • Printing: Explore using different colours to create different layers. Explore printing on to different materials. 

Children develop their vocabulary using subject specific vocabulary. In Reception, they also develop an understanding of simple phrases to describe and compare their work.

Year 1

In Year 1 children will develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. They will use a range of materials creatively to design and make products. 

The skills children learn are: 

  • Drawing: Draw using pencil and coloured pencils adding pattern and texture. Explore drawing lines of different sizes and thickness. 

  • Painting: To be able to name the primary and secondary colours. To understand how to mix paint to create secondary colours. To understand that there are different styles of art and explore different artists. 

  • Sculpture: To know how to manipulate malleable materials e.g. rolling, pinching, pulling, impressing. To know how to create a three-dimensional joint eg. An arm on a body. 

  • Collage: Use repeated patterns in their collage. Combine visual and tactile qualities. 

  • Printing: Design a printing block inspired by an artist. Create light and dark colours. 

Topic-specific vocabulary is explicitly taught and modelled, enabling children to express their ideas and engage in discussions about artist and a piece of art. Children have the opportunity to apply their learning when describing what they can see and like in the work of another artist. Children will use their knowledge of key vocabulary to say how other artists have used colour, pattern and shape. 

Year 2 

In Year 2 children are encouraged to produce more detailed work inspired by artist Esther Mahlangu, Kenny Hunter, Vincent Van Gogh and experiment with different styles which the artists have used. 

The skills children learn are: 

  • Drawing: Develop their concept of scale and proportions. To start to use shading to create shadow. To show improved proportion when drawing the face or the whole body. 

  • Painting: To select different brushes for texture and detail. Introduce ‘tints’ by adding white and ‘shades’ by adding black to make lighter and darker. Use different techniques (e.g. dotting, scratching) to imitate an artist/style of art. 

  • Sculpture: To develop joining with clay by cross hatching and slip. Experiment with clay using a coil pot-creating a larger structure. Plan a sculpture that can be viewed from all angles. 

  • Collage: Select a material for a certain purpose and be able to explain their choices. Create individual and group collaged pieces. 

  • Printing: Design their own printing block. To experiment with effects and techniques for a given purpose (e.g. rubbings, collage, printing). 

Topic-specific vocabulary is explicitly taught and modelled, enabling children to express their ideas and engage in discussions about artist and a piece of art. Children have the opportunity to apply their learning when discussing what or who their work is influenced by. Children will use their knowledge of key vocabulary to say how other artists have inspired their work and suggest improvements to their work.

Provision for key groups at our school
  • We strive to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their ability or additional needs, have equal access to high-quality Art education.  

  • Differentiation/scaffolding strategies are employed to support learners who require additional help, and gifted and talented pupils are appropriately challenged. 

  • Provision is made for pupils with physical disabilities or sensory impairments to participate fully in all Art activities. 

  • We promote a respectful and supportive learning environment, where pupils value and celebrate each other's contributions.

Wider opportunities  
  • In the summer we run a MADD (Music, Arts, Drama and Dance) week to give children the opportunity to create performances, explore different artists, feel part of a community and a group and to express themselves. 

  • We invite a local artist to impart their artistic technical skills and for children to see art as a valid and valued career option for themselves.


Pupils will demonstrate good progress in their artistic skills and knowledge, as evidenced by formative assessments and their work. The impact of our Art curriculum will facilitate pupils in making good progress over their time at Farnborough Grange, and relative to a child’s individual starting point. They will become confident in applying the skills they have learnt to express their creativity, become capable of expressing themselves creatively and show appreciation of a variety of artistic genres. Pupils will develop confidence, resilience, and perseverance through their artistic journey, enabling them to tackle challenges with determination to aspire to their learning goal. 

Art provides a platform for pupils to express themselves creatively, fostering their emotional and cultural awareness. Pupils will develop collaborative skills and learn to respect and support their peers, enhancing their social skills and sense of belonging. They will have a broad understanding and appreciation of Art from different cultures and historical periods. Pupils will develop a love for various forms of Art and appreciate Art beyond the school setting. Art education will contribute to pupils' cultural capital, enriching their experiences and broadening their horizons to dream big. They will thoroughly enjoy their Art lessons, actively participating and eagerly sharing their creative ideas. Art lessons and extracurricular activities will spark curiosity enabling our children to start small and dream big. Pupils, staff, and parents will speak highly of the Art provision, recognising its impact on pupils' holistic development.

What do our children learn in Art?

Art Curriculum Overview Art Progression of Skills