Farnborough Grange within the community

Farnborough Grange Choir sing a variety of songs to perform in our local community.

This year we have had 3 exciting opportunities to perform and share our beautiful singing.  We have sung at the Hawley Gardens Harvest Festival in September and as part of our Christmas celebrations we sang at the Seniors Coffee Morning at the Church of the Good Shepherd. The children performed 4 Christmas songs and we even got the audience to join in with jingle bells shaking their keys. A small group of the choir also performed at the Community Carol Service alongside other school choirs in Farnborough.

An email we received with feedback:

Hi, I am coordinator of the Senior Citizens at the Church of the Good Shepherd.

I just wanted to say a big thank you for allowing your children to come and sing to us this morning. They were delightful and looked so lovely with their Christmas hairbands.

Thank you also to Miss Woodgate and her helpers for enabling this to happen. We all enjoyed it immensely and hope to see you again next year.